59 Funny Band Names

For some bands, the name is all about marketing. Unless you’re in bands like the Eagles and Journey, who obviously didn’t think long and hard about their name, the name is like a book cover. It tells people a little about you without them hearing any songs. And as rock ‘n’ roll has progressed, so has the effort to stand out among bands with plain names like Spoon, Cake and Sponge. Here are some of the funny band names I’ve found over the years:
- Above Average Weight Band
- Abracadaver
- Afghanistan Banana Stand
- Afraid Of Figs
- Alcoholics Unanimous
- Are These My Pants?
- The Band Formerly Known As Sausage
- Beats the Hell Out of Me
- Biff Hitler and the Violent Mood Swings
- The Bourbon Tabernacle Choir
- BowWowWowHaus
- Cap’n Crunch and the Cereal Killers
- Carnage Asada
- Craig Loves Pots and Pans and He’s Going Places
- Cream of Whoop-Ass Soup
- The Dead Sea Squirrels
- Dukes of Hazardous Material
- Ethyl Merman
- Feed God Cabbage
- The French are from Hell
- Full Throttle Aristotle
- Furious George
- Gee That’s A Large Beetle I Wonder If It’s Poisonous
- Giraffes? Giraffes!
- Gringo Star
- Guitarantula
- He’s Dead Jim
- Hitler Stole My Potato
- Hollow Chocolate Bunnies of Death
- I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness
- Inferior Mustache
- Janitors Against Apartheid
- Jehovah’s Witness Protection Program
- John Cougar Concentration Camp
- Kerrigan’s Knees
- Lee Harvey Keitel
- Lee Press-On and the Nails
- Manson-Nixon Line
- Mao Tse Helen
- Men With Instruments
- Minnie Pearl’s Jam
- The Only Alternative & His Other Possibilities
- Pandora’s Lunch Box
- Rage Against the Coffee Machine
- REO Speed Dealer
- 76% Uncertain
- Satan’s Penguins
- Sharon Stoned
- Shirley Temple of Doom
- Smorgasborgnine
- Snotty Scotty and the Hankies
- Stop Calling Me Frank
- ttttttttttttttttttttt
- The Birds Are Spies, They Report to the Trees
- The Well I’m Sure I Left It There Yesterday Band
- Who The Hell Are You?
- Willie Nelson Mandela
- Wonderbred, the Refined White Flour Children
“My dad always marveled at the names of bands I listened to (INXS, 10,000 Maniacs), but they’re like vanilla compared to these names. (Caution: Many of the band names on the site are R-rated.) Some of the names are really clever puns, and some of them are so bizarre I had to add them to the list as well.”
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You forgot the “Squirrel Nut Zippers”. And “Pancakes and Poltergeists”. But these are really funny!