Album Review – The Great War, Justin Currie

For more than 15 years, Justin Currie was Del Amitri, writing most of the band’s more popular songs (“Roll to Me,” “Always the Last to Know”) and being the front man. So it should come as no surprise that The Great War, his latest solo effort, sounds like a lost Del Amitri album.
Well actually, it should come as a surprise. His first solo album, Rebound, was disappointingly dull and lifeless; missing was the upbeat, melodic songs that made Del Amitri a modest success during the late 1980s and early 1990s. He even admitted on his MySpace page that the album “features eleven thunderously dreary dirges many of which he is currently airing live to pained looking crowds of people in dingy Glasgow basements.”
He has definitely fixed that problem. The opening track, “A Man With Nothing To Do,” is fresh, upbeat and cheerful – vintage Del Amitri. Some may say that’s a bad thing; after all, hasn’t he done that before? Well yes, but he does it so well. Some are masters at harmony, some have mastered the art of chord progression. Currie is a master of melody. His phrases seem to run along effortlessly, and you swear you’ve heard them before but never can seem to put your finger on it.
Currie’s ballads are sublime, tugging at your heartstrings with beautiful music while offering little solace in the lyrics. The most touching of the album bears the doleful title “You’ll Always Walk Alone,” in which Currie laments, “When you’re swooning at the sinking sun with that special girl you string along…Remember you’ll always walk alone.”
In fact, Currie’s songs always seem to be bittersweet; with titles such as “Anywhere I’m Away From You,” “Can’t Let Go of Her Now,” and “As Long As You Don’t Come Back,” he seems wrecked, even bitter. But the lyrics are lost in the midst of the maddeningly catchy music. It’s only when you listen closely that you hear the despair in some of his songs, and at that point, you don’t care.
Listening to Justin Currie and his The Great War is like getting reacquainted with an old friend. His melodies carry a welcome familiarity that carries you back to his earlier work with Del Amitri. And by the way, that’s a good thing.
It’s interesting that I almost completely agree with your review of The Great War…and completely disagree with your view of What Is Love For. (did it ever come out as Rebound?) What ever the title of the first solo album, I sure as heck would never use the words Dull and Lifeless. For one thing, there is so much genius hidden in the pain, it’s difficult for me to see it as anything but brilliant. I do question a few of the songs on it yes…there are a few “step in front of the bus” songs on there for sure. If you’ve just gone through a break up, that is one album that never comes out of the player.
Barely Awake In Frog Pajamas
A college roommate and I played the hell out of Waking Hours in the record store where we worked, but I kind of lost interest in Del Amitri with each successive album. I might have to go back and revisit some of them.